Friday, June 05, 2009

Ubuntu stuff

Of course source control systems are worth it. The question is which. git has a large following, but there are a large number of people that bazaar may be a better fit for a large number of applications. What about bug tracking? Bugzilla is there, and I've slowly come to appreciate trac, although it definitely has some short comings. Then there is launchpad. It reminds me of Apple software. It's plenty powerful for the things you need, but if you don't want to do exactly what they provide for you, it's hard. Source code browsing stinks. Almost no-one links their bug fixes to the actual code changes. And bug statistics/reports are almost non-existent, making it a questionable choice for larger projects, and a non-starter for commerical ones (although perhaps that is the way they want it).
  • Perhaps some of the larger users of bazaar have worked this out already?
There appears to be a way to submit bugs from outside the launchpad website. Perhaps a client could create stats by polling every bug in a module?


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