Monday, September 21, 2009


I'm getting the urge to do a theme. I have a decent awareness of usability issues, and there sure are a lot of usability issues with the current MythTV themes. With 0.22 being released (and 0.23 being promised soon after), it might be worth starting now.

I like the indicators of this one. With animated menus, it could look like paper folding and unfolding, left and right, and for a different level of menu, unfolding up and down. I'm thinking that every other menu should scroll the opposite way... if I press down, I should keep pressing down until I get to the option I want... then press right, and keep pressing right until I get to the option I want, then down, etc.

An XML editor for the mythtvtheme sure would be nice for this... wonder what that would take?!
An XML theme editor, perhaps (which says "create the .pro, .conf, .xml and image files that define the theme")?

Font resources:
* One of the fonts that is supported by the Web Open Font Format (Mozilla is adding support for this)

Twitter / Facebook use(full/less)ness

Some interesting quotes worth saving:

"In Philadelphia I watched many attendees using Twitter as if it was crack. Can't chat with you and look at you because I may miss that Joe just took a piss and Betty just ran out of mascara. Twitter won't succeed if this route continues." - Allen Stern

Facebook is actually less useful than a number of other apps - it just somehow obtained critical mass (probably by focusing on high school and college people), and provides an API for third-party games ... and who doesn't like games, especially ones that allow you to show off to your friends and family how well you are doing. Mixx, StumbleUpon, or even Twitter might be better because there is no way to see what people are writing about without getting approval to be their friend. "follow" does seem like a more accurate term.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Widgets, widgets everywhere

There is even a "Widgets lab" website... Vizio looks like they don't want to have to depend on Yahoo for Widgets, so they are doing their own. Another brief here, but I can't find any details. Samsung's isn't hard to find though. Maybe they are calling it "Vizio Internet Apps" (VIA).

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Linux sound

Pulse Audio might be worth it, but the wide spread reports of problems with it (especially on Ubuntu) really makes one wonder. Here is someone trying to lead the lost through the storm.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

The state of GPG

According to Robert Burrell Donkin, it would be worth it to backport GNU 2.0.12 to other Ubuntu versions. Of course, I'm planning on moving to 9.10, so I'll be picking it up anyway. The main point of the article: generate your key under 2.0.12.