Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Wanna startup?

Types of things that would be worth keeping track of if starting a company:

Different types of companies to start
Startup tools

Business models

And what would be complete without a link to wikipedia?

Or USB info like usbman, or this, or in general, this.

Also interesting is a /. article titled "Ask an Open Source Venture Capitalist", maybe there to counter-act the article on business myths?

And then we have the stuff surrounding the tax consequences of stock options. NCEO has some good paragraphs on the advantages and tax implications of ISOs. In summary, it seems that if you exercise (buy) your shares as soon as the grant is made, the that you have little risk of triggering AMT because the fair market value is about the same as the grant price. If you wait to exercise, then the FMT is likely to be higher and you're at greater risk for triggering AMT unless you sell your shares in the same year, in which case you're now going to be paying short term capital gains. But wait, that's not all! It looks like they still have a way to get you: according to Fairmark, unless you make a Section 83b Election, your reported compensation income goes up by the value of the stock as soon as the later of the following happens (some stock options let you do the above in either order) :
  1. Your shares vest
  2. Your purchase your shares
Whichever one happens last is the date that you effectively got "paid" (in options), and the IRS considers it income. But wait - does this apply to ISO's? Maybe not.

Friday, August 25, 2006


If you want piece and quiet, Altec Lansing inMotion IEMs are supposedly worth it (made under license from Etymotic Research, which make the REALLY expensive ones). Then there is Shure. More options here.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Mozilla Firefox

I'm surprised I don't have an entry about Mozilla and/or Firefox. Of course, I'm thinking it is about time to re-try Opera - I've been hearing good things about the latest version.

Mozilla has a new concept called Microsummaries. They are cool, but I want something cooler. I want the button to auto-update without me having to click on it. Hrmm... that statement may not make sense to anyone else but me. Maybe I'll expand on it later.

Seems like they finally got serious about supporting corporate environments... so you can do file: with after installing an extension. Other extensions I use: Gestures (alternate between all-in-one and optimoz... optimoz has gesture exchange), and download manager tweak (which I use ALOT - I'm really surprised that its basic functionality hasn't been integrated into the browser). Others of interest: (VideoDownloader or Media Pirate or UnPlug or Amazing Media Browser or Ook or FVD [fast video download] or Google video downloader). Fasterfox is also tempting to install and try out.

Something I should make more use of is Greasemonkey.

I also use small icons, push my URL and search bar up next to the menu items to gain some vertical space, and drag the redundent throbber off (since each tab already has one). I set a few other things through Tools -> Options...

Lastly, about.config customizations that I like to make it cleaner and faster.
  • browser.tabs.closeButtons = 0
  • browser.urlbar.richResults => false
  • toolkit.scrollbox.smoothScroll => false
  • browser.tabs.tabMinWidth = 70
Optional to speed up cacheing from /. (along with a discussion about it):
  • browser.cache.disk.parent_directory with a string value of /dev/shm (automatic ram disk?)

-or the manual way:
  • mount -t tmpfs -o 'size=100M' tmpfs /path/to/chosen/mountpoint
  • browser.cache.disk.parent_directory with a string value of /path/to/chosen/mountpoint

Wanna be funny?

How to be funny and not just stupid would be worth checking out if you want to be funny and not just stupid.