Sunday, June 28, 2009

GPS, mobile and not

/. has a good summary of hackable mobile GPS units, including a link to the pinout for the V3 Tom Tom (which runs Linux). Just to save it from disappearing from the face of the earth and all human knowledge, here it is:
  1. RX data in for UART ttySAC0, default rate = 115200, 3.3V TTL
  2. Power output for accessory, I tested sourcing 100mA will no ill effects on unit
  3. TX data out for UART ttySAC0, default rate = 115200, 3.3V TTL
  4. Measured 1.4V output, most probably an audio line output
  5. When connected to ground via a 1K resistor the unit reports an external line input, so presuably that’s what it is
  6. Ground
  7. Function unknown but when connected to ground via a 10K resistor it caused an immediate shutdown of unit.
Eventually I think it would be worth setting up an alert on ebay for a GPS unit to find one that I could cheaply connect to my Linux server.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Everyone knew it was coming

There were many signs the economic bubble was bursting.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Nintendo DSi

So we bought our Nintendo DSi. It might be worth trying to figure out how to get mythremote to work with it, although it appears it would, at a minimum, require a recompile since the binaries are for the original DS (not even the DS lite). Not yet sure what the hub-bub about Acekard 2i is yet, or the dldi patching tool.

Then we have the fact that Nintendo tries to lock this thing down so tight, it only accepts AAC encoded audio by default. Of course, resourceful people are already playing video and games (Games index used to be here) with it using iplayer/Moonshell2.

Then there is the IdeaS Nintendo Emulator for PC.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Ubuntu stuff

Of course source control systems are worth it. The question is which. git has a large following, but there are a large number of people that bazaar may be a better fit for a large number of applications. What about bug tracking? Bugzilla is there, and I've slowly come to appreciate trac, although it definitely has some short comings. Then there is launchpad. It reminds me of Apple software. It's plenty powerful for the things you need, but if you don't want to do exactly what they provide for you, it's hard. Source code browsing stinks. Almost no-one links their bug fixes to the actual code changes. And bug statistics/reports are almost non-existent, making it a questionable choice for larger projects, and a non-starter for commerical ones (although perhaps that is the way they want it).
  • Perhaps some of the larger users of bazaar have worked this out already?
There appears to be a way to submit bugs from outside the launchpad website. Perhaps a client could create stats by polling every bug in a module?