GPS, mobile and not
/. has a good summary of hackable mobile GPS units, including a link to the pinout for the V3 Tom Tom (which runs Linux). Just to save it from disappearing from the face of the earth and all human knowledge, here it is:
- RX data in for UART ttySAC0, default rate = 115200, 3.3V TTL
- Power output for accessory, I tested sourcing 100mA will no ill effects on unit
- TX data out for UART ttySAC0, default rate = 115200, 3.3V TTL
- Measured 1.4V output, most probably an audio line output
- When connected to ground via a 1K resistor the unit reports an external line input, so presuably that’s what it is
- Ground
- Function unknown but when connected to ground via a 10K resistor it caused an immediate shutdown of unit.